Saturday, July 28, 2007
dRagon boating$BlogItemTitle$>
so long nv blog already...hmm...shall write a very long blog 2dae...hehee
i woke up super duper early on 2dae.....even earlier than sch days..
woke up at 5.40 am to go aj interhouse dragon boating. I meet up with jiaying n peishan to catch the train to go kallang. wHen we reached lavender mrt station, there are already many groups of ajcians. Then after that, we walked from the mrt station to kallang river. It is like aj excursion....lolx. sHortly after we reached the place, we were briefed by the sava people-an organisation tt promotes dragon-boating. They told us that b4 we can go dragon-boating, we muz first carry the boat to the shore and so we went to the place that kept the dragon-boat. goSh...the boat was really quite heavy But amazingly, with 20 ppl strength, we managed to carry the 250 kg boat....haha. Soon, we set off in the boat to the sea for orientation so as to help us familarise with how to dragon-boat b4 the race. Initially when we dragon-boat there is not much co-ordination and i keep da dao wo de shou....but ltr it got better. tHe sava person even told us tt we are quite pro at it for the first time...haha. It was really cool when the person said paddle up and we replied up and there is the echo from shuang!.....
At around 11, we went back to the shore to rest a while b4 the race. By then, my hands were already aching and i had drank a lot of seawater. Soon , we started the race. But, first we muz row to the starting point. wHile we were rowing to the starting point, PANTHER capsized their dragon boat....haha...they are so pro to manage to capsize the boat. So, we have to wait for a while for them to revert their boat so to as to reach the starting point. wHen finally every hse was at the starting point, the person told us tt we only can have 1 race instead of 3 due to bad less to play. but nvm, in the end we, the cougar hse managed to clinch a 2nd place while puma clinched the lst place and panther is the 3rd place.
Overall, it was a really very fun experience and i nv regretted joining it. If next time our school have this activity again, i will sure go play again. We got a some sort of glow in the dark dragon for clinching the 2nd place....It is really quite nice.
Here is some of the pictures of it..
the glow in the dark dragon
After we received that dragon, my friends and I were abt to leave the place when it started raining....argh...such a bad we ended up walking in the rain to the way back to kallang station. Walking in the rain was so cold and i think i going to fall sick soon. We were so lang bei and were totally wet when we reached the mrt station. So, we decided to go to the toilet to dry ourselves. Then after that, jiaying and i decided to go some nice restaurant to eat to wei lao ourselves. We took super duper long to decide the place to eat and finally we settled at the yck grassroots de restaurant to eat. If i'm not wrong, the place is called naked fish...hehee. We ordered a student meal for abt 7.50. hmm actually it is quite cheap cuz tt meal consists of a soup, garlic bread, the main course, drink and dessert. I ordered a fish and chips and it taste yummy. next time can go there after sch to eat..hehee
Here is the photos of the food i ate:

That is the end of body is now aching...think mon go to sch sure die 1...hahaa
lurv3 daphne`
11:50 PM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
whEre is mY rainbow$BlogItemTitle$>
wHere is mY rainbow ?
whERe is mY sunSHine?
mIssing anD mISsing
wHen will bE the daY
when all mY troubles wIll melt liKE lemon drops
lurv3 dap
5:27 PM
Monday, July 16, 2007
mY liFe.....$BlogItemTitle$>
eVeryday is just a repetitive cYcle
my life has juz become like a canvas
something is really missing in mY life
i need sOme1 to add cOlours to my life!
if i had grabbed on to it, things may not be happening in this way. what has happened?
lurv3 daphne`
7:40 PM
Sunday, July 15, 2007
read my friend's blog juz now. tHe post is quiTe touching. nEver noe that sOmeone will love anothEr persOn tt mUCh. I believe the strong bond tt they have will not be broken due to projects tt drifted them apart......aNyway juz hope tt the two of tHem will hAve happy ending ba.....
2dae, i went to cc de conference room to study from 2+ to 7pm. It is really a super nice place to study. the place is air-conditioned and carpetted. It is so shu fu and most importantly the room is not as noisy as those places outside. I was not productive 2dae as I spend 1/2 of my time chatting with jiaying and watching the video in MX's laptop. tHE video is quite funny but it is also a bit erxin. Can't imagine why these people would go film this video.
going to cc to study tmr. To continue my repetitive of cycle of studying. hahaa
12:14 AM
Friday, July 13, 2007
I'm so juz happened to come across this website through tzehui's blog.Your Birthdate: May 4 |
You have an extraordinary character - moral, responsible, and disciplined.Your sincerely and honesty shine through in almost every situation.Driven and focused, you rarely let your emotions get the better of you.You're level headed and rational. People count on your to look at things objectively. Your strength: Your unwavering loyalty and ethics Your weakness: Your rock solid stubbornness Your power color: Navy blue Your power symbol: Shield Your power month: April |
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
Your Personality Is |
Idealist (NF)
You are a passionate, caring, and unique person. You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.
You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily. Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.
You seek out other empathetic people to befriend. Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.
In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.
At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.
With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.
As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.
On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours. |
The Three Question Personality Test
10:42 PM
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
i have not been doing well for most of my mid-yr papers. here is my grade:A-physicsB-ChemistryD-GPD-mathS-geomy math grade has dropped from A to D. the worst result i have ever get for my math. I have practised quite hard for my math during june holidays. i spend almost 1/2 the month of the holiday revising and practising math and that is the result i get for my math. =( the math paper is really a killer. The whole cohort performed badly for the paper and some even get single digit for math. Perhaps i should feel happy that i passed my paper. But this is not the case. really quite disappointed with my results and i think the main problem with my math is time management. That applies to other subjects as well. For this mid-yr exam, i only managed to finish my physics paper and the rest i failed to complete it in time. haiz...For my geo, I do so badly especially my essay qns. I get only 18/50 for two of my essay qns. I really studied quite a lot for geo and I even went to read most of the readings that ms zhu gave us. Yet, that is the result I get. I think I'm really weak at geo and it makes me wonder that if i really make a correct choice in choosing geo as the contrasting subject. tHings have not beEn goIng the wAy i wanted. Somehow from the result i get, it makes me think that I shouldn't study as hard. If I had not studied as hard and failed to achieve the result I wanted, I won't be as disappointed as if i had studied hard and failed to achieve the result i wanted. lurv3 daphne
4:24 PM
Saturday, July 7, 2007
missing jc1 life$BlogItemTitle$>
i starting to miss my jc1 life. the memories that i had
tHe time when i n took many photos during the first 3 months,
tHe time when I and my first 3 months class went out together to eat our fav ba chou mee
tHe time when we went to kane gu gu de hotel to eat
tHe time whEn our class went out together,
tHe time whEn I tAke photos in cLass with my fRiends,
tHe time whEn our class carried dictationary to Gp lesson every thur,
tHE time whEn we orDered as a class fOr westErn food on every mon,
tHe time whEn the gAls tied 2 pOny-tailed,
tHE time when my pRoject work grp worked together to discuss the projEct,
tHe time when all the p.w groups in my class chiong for GPP on every tue,
tHe time when i having co,
tHe time when my section,xyz practised together,
tHe time when me, ry n munyeng made oreo cheese-cake for huang lao shi,
tHe time when we celebrate teacher's day for our dearest conductor,
tHe time when I participated in the co concert,
tHe time when all my friends went for YEC meeting together, chatting n laughing
back then, the life is simpler, less stressful n more fun. hOw i wish i could go back to the paSt.
12:36 AM
Friday, July 6, 2007
I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Well, every moment spent with you
Is a moment I treasure
I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep'
Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing'
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do
I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Lying close to youFeeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes andthank God we're together
I just wanna stay with you
In this moment forever, forever and ever
I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep'
Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing'
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never doI'd still miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
I don't wanna miss one smile
I don't wanna miss one kiss
and I just wanna be with you
this song is nice!
3:57 PM
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
boring sch day$BlogItemTitle$>
After the long-break of holidays after exams, todAy muz go to sch 2dae le. It is so sianz in sCh especially 2dae is lecture day. I almost fell asleep during chem lecture and almost all the teachers keep saying we muz study harder as it only left 7 weeks to prelims. stRessed...i juz finish my exams not long ago and they told us we muz study harder. so sIanz...
hEre is some of the neoprInts i took tt day

oh no...munyeng is stuck in the toilet bowel...haha

we are sitting on the rainbOw
qiuling is my jian bang shu fu mah?
lurv3 daphne
9:41 PM
Sunday, July 1, 2007
shopping trip$BlogItemTitle$>
yesterday, i went gai gai with my friends. It was so crowded yesterday. We went first to my fav shopping place far east. At there, i bought 3 tops and munyeng bought 1 top. After that, we went to marina square. gosh..when we reached city hall, there are super duper lot of ppl. mAybe everyboDy is trying to shop to buy sMth b4 the GST rise...hahaa. wE went to the wallet shop to pei munyeng buy her wallet. Then after that, we went to mango and i bought a mango tank top tt i wanted to buy very long ago. fInally after all the gai gai, we went to ice-skate.
It was freezing cold when i entered fuji palace. When we were abt to buy the tic, the person told us tt they going to resurface the place at 7pm so she told us to come back 15 min ltr. So, we went to take nEoprints =) and bu zhi bu jue we stayed at the neoprint shop until 7.45pm.
ice-skating was quite fun. though i was quite lousy at it, i didn't fell down....yay...haha. here is some of the photos

qiuling n me

acting cutez
toDAy, i went to cc to help out for the Pets Canival event. B4 the start of the event, we were at the conference room having the debrief. While we having the debrief, we ate our breakfast n i was given a cake by zoelyn. the cake was s yuMmy epecially the whip cream...haha. aFter tt, i was told by zi yao tt someone is going to propose to his gf during the Dog talent show by asking the dog to pass the hat which contained the ring to his gf. I was so excited n looking forward to the guy proposing to her gf. bUt in the end, the guy nv propose because his dog is not ready. disappointed. this evEnt attracted many pet-owners n some of their dogs are so cutez la. oVerall, the event is quite successful.
`lurv3 daphn3`
12:51 AM