Wednesday, October 31, 2007
2 days of a'level had passed.....although i have finished 2 papers, I'm not tt happy....I don't think i will do well for both the physics paper....the physics paper 3 was quite difficult...when i started to do the first qn, i was stucked...sOmehow, this aFfect my morale for the pAper....haiz
the paper was definitely more difficult than my prelim pAper..i wonder whether i will do well for the paper.....2dae, GP was even more disasterous....all the skills i learn was not used...hai wo study until so late yesterday juz to finish reading the skills required....i think for paper 1, i NAQ....tHen for paper 2, my AQ was not very well done....there was not much evaluation for the text....sIAnz...nOw, i only hope for a pAss in GP...hOPe tt i will not fail my GP....haiz..
tt's all...muz go stUdy for maTH....hoPe tt the rESt of the pApers will not be a diSasterous 1
12:56 PM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
tiMe really flies$BlogItemTitle$>
wanted to blog yesterday 1...but was too tired after my class outing..haha....I had my farewell assembly yesterday....tImes really fast my jc life was abt to end...the ppt slides tt was played on the farewell assembly really brought back memories of wat i did in aj - family day, dragon-boating, track n field meet , SYF, concert, orientation, cca carnival.......
a lot of things had happened in this 2 yrs of my jc life....the happiest thingy, the saddest thingy n the most tired thingy...indeeD, my jc lIfe has been a fulfiling 1...i wIll miss my class, my friends in aj, co.....
I received a lot of things yesterday: my cca achievement, little msg from my friends n little gifts from the teachers....took a lOt of photos this past few days for ji nian...after the farewell assembly, i went out for my class lunch....this class lunch is somewat a more complete 1 as most of the ppl in my class was present...yay!...hahaaa....wE went neW yoRk new yoRk to have our lunch...tHe food there was not bad...aFTer eating, went to watch resident evil...the movie was quiTe scAry...all thanKs to weIkang who suggested watching this movie. yupp think tt all for the class outing

12:27 AM
Sunday, October 7, 2007
jiAnying's birthday$BlogItemTitle$>
2dae went to celebrate jianying 21'st birthday! although her birthday is over now, muz still wish her a happy birthday...hahaha....Happy bIrthday my dear friend
I went out with jinyu, peiyu, eileen, jiaying, freddy, edmund and iggy to marina square to celebrate her birthday. Our initial plan is to go jack's place to eat but there was no space and so in the end we ended up at Billy bombers. tHe food was not bad and the waiter was quite friendly and funny...hahaa...we spend a lot of time chatting and laughing...really had a great time...
aFter we eaten our meal course, we use going to toilet as an excuse to give jianying a surprise....jinyu and jiaying an di li bought a cake from Billy bombers. after we came back from the toIlet, the wAiter came out with the really give jianying a surprise..hahaa
we headed to kbox to k until 11.30pm...almost run back to mrt station to catch the last train...
here is some photos:
the drinks we 18 cups on the table
fish n chips tt i had...a bit regret nv eat the spicy 1 which taste better
the lighting is so nice...orangy
zilian in the toilet
and more zilian

peiyu arh....this photo u took is so blur
hmm...this 1 is much better
photo of all of us
jianying n jinyu
birthday gal is tou ru when singing with iggy..haha
1:59 AM