Saturday, December 29, 2007
thailand trip photos$BlogItemTitle$>
at chAngi airPort while waiting to board the plAne
candid shot
the 4 of us
at bangkok station, while waiting for the skytrain
in ouR hoTEl room
my bReakfast for the 2nd day
in the bOAt tour
the suN is too glaRing
my sISter n m3
mIlk is niCe..hAhaa
i'm going to eAt the breAd
wah...look i bought so many thINgs
3rd day de breakfast
the thRee of uS at chatuchak
zi-lian in the tOilet
the hoTel i livE
my sIster n mOther
m3 n my mOther
the fOOd i ate in tHE plAne
10:22 PM
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
here is sOMe updates of wat i did the past few days:
2daei went to jelly's hse for x'mas dinner with my class. It is quite long since i last saw them...hahaaa
i had a great dinner 2dae. The food was quite good. the popiah n hotdog with bacon are nicee.
really ate a lot. Jelly's parents were too nice already. they kept giving us food to eat. mrs cHeong come n join us for a while with her husband n baby girl. her baBy giRl was reAlly cuTez. We took turn to take photos with her n her baby gAl. Also, we took sOMe other photos. (p.s: aiping when u c this muz send me the photos..haha). afTer that, we prOceed to plAy bluff n zhong ji mi ma. Soon after thAt, we had our gift exchange. then is hoMe sweet home
20th - 23rd deci went to bangkok for holiday with my family. sHop a lot n eaT a lot these few dAys. i bought abt 56 items n my sister bought abt 66 items..hahaa. we rEally went for a sHopping
day 1we reAch thailAnd's aIrport at aroUnd 4 plus. we hEaded to arnoma hotEl. oN the wAy to the hoTel, my brO was already looking at the mAp n plAnning route for our sHopping
wHEn we reAch the hotEl, we check in to our rOOm. mEanwhile, my parents went to the temple n my brO headed to gym to exercise. at Around 7+, we went to the hotel restaurant to eat buffet. thE food has turn colD n so it was not vEry nice. nevertheless, we stIll enJoy our meAl. afTer that, we wEnt to patpong nightmarket. at the nIghtmarket, i really jian si my bro bagaining skills. he really can bagain a lot. The pLAce is a bit meSsy. there always gt sOMe1 that will approach my bro to c whether he wan to c bar dance..hAHa. the plAce is nOt a nICe place to shOP cuz it sell manY guys'stuff n so i nv boUght a lot of thINgs.
day 2i woke up at around 6+. it was super early. if not for the half-DAy tour, i will not wake up so eArly. i was sLeeping in the mini van while we travelled from to plACe to placE. afTer the shOrt-day tour, we went to mbk to sHop agAin...haha..thERe is nth muCh t sHop cuz the tHIngs were much expEnsive than the maRketplace. afTEr shOpping for a whILe, i was quite tiRed n so we decided to weNt for oUR lunch..our iNItal intention is to go A&W to eat as my sister's friend told her tt there is A&W nearby. buT we cOuldn't fiND it n so my mother sugGested to go hong kong restaurant to eat. tHe service there is sUPer slow. we oRdered our drink with tHE food we oRedered. bUt when we fiNIshed the fOOD, the dRink still hAven coME. So, in the end, we cancelled ouR drink n bill it. when we c the bIll, we were quite shoCked. the serVice chargE was even mOre expenSive than oUr funny..lols
aFTer eatINg, we headed bAck to hoTel to rESt a wHIle. tHEn, we continue our shOpping trip agAin..wahaha..thIS time we went to city of complex n platinum to shOP. pLAtinum is a nICe to sHOp. the thINgs are nOt very ex n thERe gt a loT of thINGs to buY. i bOught quite a lOt of stUffs fRom thERe. NeXt time i went bangkok again, i shALl coMe baCk there to shOp.
At around 7+, we went back to the hotel to eat oUr dinner...thEn, we wEnt to big c marketplAce to sHOp for fooD. After tt, went to central world shopping centre to shop AGAIN...wahaha
that is the lAsT destInation of my shOpping trip
day 3i went to chatukchak early in the morning. thE place is reAlly suPer bIG...dun noe how mAny timEs of buGis sell so maNy things, ranging from clothes, accessories, gifts, bags, shoes, fishes n even ANIMALS. it is so bIg untIl onCe u miss tHe shOP u wiLl nv fINd it agAin....i waLk around thEre for 3 to 4 hrs...walK untIl leg
So, we decided to go back to the hotel to rest for a while den after tt go to platinum to shOp niGht, after we finished our dinner, i n my fAmily decided to go for a leG mAssage to toNg ur bODy..hAha. At first, i thOt my fATher is gOing to bRIng us to oNe of the shOp like thOse in de show shou zu tt typE of sHOp. But in the eND, we wEnt to orIental health spA centre to haVE a whOLe boDy massAge. The maSSage is so shUang. It giVEs me mORe enerGY to shOp..hAhaa. sHOrtly, afTEr we finished to mAssage, we wEnt to 7 eleven to shou gou all the strawberry pocky n heaDed baCk to ouR hotel.
dAy 4the lAst day of my baNgkok trIp...hEaded to the bangkok aiRport at arouNd 11+.
photos shall be uploaded ltr
11:40 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
loSe colour$BlogItemTitle$>
my lIfe has loSe
colour....Life is so bOring siNce i stArt woRk
tIme seemed to be cRawling whEn i was at woRk
thEre is reAlly dUn ve mUCh wOrk to do
bAsically b4 lUnch time i alReady finished aLl my decline de joB
aFTer luNch time, thEre is reAlly nth to do
and mOst importantly aFTer luNch, i juz sAt doWn in tHE office.
lIke tt wiLl becOMe FAT...arGh..mUZ reAlly go exErcise already
mY joB is so roUtine...everyday is dOing the saMe tHing
so bOred....rEally caNNot do oFfice woRk in the fuTure.hahaa
if noT for the coNtract, i suRely will qUit 1....
nOw still gt 88 days to go..sUPer lonG...siAnz
9:28 PM
Friday, December 14, 2007
prom nIght photos$BlogItemTitle$>
Photos from promo:
aLl abT m3
the gUYs
apple, sexy n me
the lantern is niCe
mAine n me in the toilet
jIanhao is too tAll le la
aiyO...yOngchuan nv smILe...not cUtez le..hahaa
tHe gAls
pOSing at tHe hOtel, pOse 1
pOSe 2
lefT n rIght
mUnyeng n m3
zilIan in the tOilet
seCond 1
tAking pHoto wIth the bIrthday gal
mY zilIan partner of tHe day..lOl
11:38 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
sOmehoW i think wat was lOSt will alWays be loSt
u will nV gET BaCK thE tHings u've lost no matter how haRd u try
tHings wiLl not be tHe sAme anYmore
tHough things may seem much better from last time
bUt i feel thAt wE will nv evEr bEcome clOSe fRiends agAin...ur rEply is alWays a bRief 1 n i nOe tt i will never eVEr maTter so mUch to u nOw,
tRying to gEt baCk my oWn life but i'm sTill miSsing thE days- which i alwAys tRying to fINd n gEt baCk thoUgh i nOe tt my effOrts wiLl always be in vAin
soMehow i think that if there is no holiday, things might change differently
we mAy sTill be fRiends whO cAn chAt aNYthing uNDer the sUn
wat was lost was already lost...
maybe i sHoulD jUz leArn to aCcept the fAct n cArry on wIth my liFE
3:02 AM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
hAiz...i'm so uNlucky n sIAnz now....the pErson toLD me tt i hAve beEn aCcepted as tEmp mArket survEyor...tHE paY is sUper gOOd la...10 peR hour + cOmmissioN...bUt i hAve already aCcepted the bAnk job whIch is oNly 6 dollars pEr hoUr...kInd of rEgretting nOw
sHouldn't aCcept tHE oFfer so fAst wIthout mUCh cOnsideration...sHould haVe tHink a wHile
nOw i fEel so bAd reJecting tHe perSon....i aLready fEel so bAd reJecting aNOther pErson yeSterday...tHe pErson mUz be tHinking if yOu gT the jOb, yOu shOuldn't go aPPly aNother job....hAiz....hOw i nOE i wILl receive so mAny jOb offer yesteRday...
bAsicaLly yEsterdAy, tHe agEncy cAlled me n tOld me a jOb oFFer whicH is tHE baNk jOb
dEn i wAs tHinking tt tHEre is nO haRm seNDing the reSume....anYway i wAs alSo qUite interested in wOrking in a bAnk...iF u dUn wAn, u stIll can rEject it aT the inTErview...
bUt at aBout 15 mIn ltr, the aGency called me n sAy i gT the jOb n thEre is nO neeD to gO for inTErview.....hAiz...tHings dIDn't go sMoothly aS i exPected....sO i tHink bAsicaLly tHEre is nO cHoice bUt to aCcept iT....tHE aGency aCtually tOld me i hAve to gO to hIS offiCe so thAt he cAn bRief us on tHE attire n oTher tHings rEgarding the jOb....aT fiRst, i thOt the aGency was fRom jUrong 1, so me and mY frIEnds wEnt all tHE wAy to juRong fRom cItyhall....dEn i fOund oUT i aCtually mAde a mIStake....iT is the 1 at raFFles pLace...s wE cAme aLl the wAy baCk fRom juRong to thE bEtween sMth alSo haPPened...buT nO mood to mEntion it alrEady......sOOn, i rEach hIs oFfice n he sTart to brIef us on tHe job n the cOntract....bUt sOmehOW i wAs tOo tiRed alREady n nV rEally liSten to wAt he wAs saYing...dEn i sIgned thE cONtract.....aFter sIgning, eIleen pOint out a lot oF tHings thAt sHe wAs qUite unclEar of...i wAs tHinking sHE reAlly gt a pOint....noW, sHe oSo kInd oF reGretting it for siGning uP tOo fAst n nOt cleAring of tHe dEtaiLS of tHe coNtract...wIll i rEally gEt to a lOt of trOuble foR reJEcting tHe perSon, i rEally dUn nOE n i cErtaINy dUn hOPe so...tOo muCh wOrries le...sOmehOW, i gT nO mooD to go prom nIght....siaNZ
8:06 AM
Monday, December 10, 2007
argh...2dae is reAlly noT my dAy...siANz....
wAlk so fAr leG now gT blISter alreAdy
so mAny unlUcky thIngs hAppened...siaNZ
8:40 PM
Sunday, December 2, 2007
bAck fRom cHildren cAmp$BlogItemTitle$>
I'M BACK FROM CHILDREN's CAMP....i'm so not enough sleep
slept only 3 hr at the bench in the canteen...but the sleep is quite shu fu cuz gt fans in the canteen n the pIllow tt ziYao took fRom his nICe of him...lols...
hmm...this camp is not as fun as last yr
a lot of thIngs have some unhappiness....but overall, i think we did learnt quite
a lot in tHe camp especially after we had our deBrief....eVery1 started to pour out wat they feel in the cAMp....sOMehow, we feLt muCh beTter aftEr it.... leaRn to gIVe n taKe n be mORe tolerant...
manage to do some reflections whIle we haVing the debriEf
tHings seem to gt better on the second day =)....i gt to noe the children better...some of the cHIldren are rEally cuTez....i eAt a lOt in thE camP...fOr luNch, i aTE beehoon with egg, veggie n fishcAKe...den for dInner, i ate rice with chicken wings, breaded prawns...thE dinNer is qUite delicious la....afTer tt i aTe suppEr...ate mAcdonald's meal..on the sEcond day, nv really eat breakfast but then i ate harshbrown n burger in the afTernoon...sIAnz la...really eat a lOT...muz go jIAn fei already...hAhaa
hmm...shAll upLoad the pHotos neXt tiME...suPEr tirEd!
7:58 PM