Monday, April 28, 2008
where is my uni letter?
how come a lot of ppl get the ntu letter n i still don't have
does it mean i am rejected by them?
or i failed my interview? haiz
or is it I submitted late so receive my letter late?
but it cannot be. cuz my interview is quite early. haiz
am i not able to get the desired course in uni?
Getting 3As does it mean that I'm juz an average?
there are still many outstanding students than me. sianz
2dae, I went for smu interview. It seem that i screwed it.
Though, I'm not very keen in getting to smu, it means i gt 1 less chance of getting in uni.
these are the thoughts that kept running through my mind.
Does it mean that i cannot get to ntu. I hop3 not
9:06 PM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
first day of work at JMJ$BlogItemTitle$>
I started my temp admin job in JMJ associates 2dae. Need to work there for another 3 days.
At first when my agent told me abt the place, I thot it was not a gd environment to work in. But, after I go to the place, it was quite a nice place. Like very high-class. Somemore, the pantry is very nice. It is well-equiped with all electrical appliances. There is fridge, micowave oven, water dispenser and utensils. There are also biscuits, oreo n sweets. hahas
The people there are friendly and the person in charge of me is also quite nice. She is an American with a strong american ascent. Sometimes, she will speak quite fast till I cannot catch. It is a bit tiring trying to catch wat she is saying. So, I think the place I working is only suitable for working short-term. Lols. 2dae, the tasks she give me are quite simple. It is juz that I haven get the hang of doing the travel itineary. Sianz. It is so complicated. Guess I'm not familar with it ba. I wake up super early 2dae. so long I never wake up so early. I'm so tired now.
think tt's all. lalalala.
missing everyone! .... my candy, my gossip group for gossipes, the gals misses*n hu chat with me everynight last time...misses* daphn3,i know tt things will not be the same again. but memories still linger in my mind everytime
9:00 PM
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
random thoughts$BlogItemTitle$>
some random thoughts不知不觉又过了几天我想我习惯了忽略去忽略没你的时间不近不远走在谁身边我想我适应了一切这一切没你的时间某条路某条街某首歌某间店某种熟悉但如今却刺眼不碰触不跨越为自己留一些安全界线谁都以为不听不看也就没感觉一转身才发现空气里面依旧飘散着记忆的气味谁有所谓或无所谓也不能改变原来是我在爱上你的那瞬间就困在围墙里面how true it is. tHe more u tRy to 4gEt, the more u find it hard to do it.even if u try not to contact or see the person, memories still lingers. misses*everYthing u do or see will sTill make u think of that personis it really tt hard to 4get some1? i wonders
12:16 AM
Monday, April 7, 2008
jinyu's birthday party$BlogItemTitle$>
that is uS wearing jinyu's tee shirt

2nd pose

posing in front of the mirror

me n pEiyu

jianying n jinyu


10:27 AM