Thursday, June 26, 2008
I’m having a lot of activities this week. I’m going camp from fri to sun. It should be a fun interaction and bonding session. I’m able to know more new friends and experience hall life which I think I’m not able to experience while in my university life. Because of the camp, I have to give a miss to OCS social night thingy. My brother actually told me that the social night thingy is quite fun as you will get to see people in the very formal attire. Ladies are in gowns and men are in suit. Somemore, I can look pretty on that day. If only it falls on another day. Hahas. But nvm, I should be having a lot of fun in the camp. Then Sunday evening, I might be going out with the gossip group gals. So long never go out with them already. It should be a fun night with lots of gossiping. Hahas
11:10 PM
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
happy today. Hahas. My colleagues treated me lunch as farewell to my work. We went to a Japanese restaurant at Far East shopping centre. The food was not bad and the home-made seame ice cream is simply delicious. Next time, ppl pls chio me to go there to eat. Lols. Oh ya, my colleague, Pei Pei told me that next time if I want to come back to work as receptionist during holiday, can call her directly. Then, I don’t need to go through agency and my pay will definitely be higher. Hahas, it sounds not bad. Next time, I shall go back
Prada to work during holiday J. I don’t need to spend time finding for job. Although, the job is a bit boring but then I can do my own things. So, it is not a bad thing afterall.
Yesterday, I emailed ntu abt when I’m going to get the
appeal outcome. I’m actually quite worried that I failed my appeal as some of my friends has successfully appeal to ntu and I haven’t even receive any mail from them yet. Guess what, the admin office replied me that my appeal is still under process and I will properly get the outcome in late june or early july. This means I’m not rejected yet and still gt hope that my appeal is successful. Although the chance of getting ntu business through appeal is quite low, at least still gt some little hope. So, this is good news for me and I’m happy for it. At least I’m not rejected and still got a few days of hope.J
There are some
small little things that made me happy. Although it seems insignificant, it does matter a bit for me. I’m not hoping that everytime it will happen in this way. But at least I’m contented for that night.
At first, I’m still hesitant about whether I should send it a not. In the end, it turned out to be a not too bad outcome.
Some photos of team india:michelle look so tall. hahas
group photo of us at boardgame showdown 2
hmm. I'm thinking
I finally decided. hahas
me n munyeng while playing around the world in 180000sec
me n zhixin

the first group photo
9:32 PM
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
DAY TO GLAMOROUS MAKE-UP TECHNIQUES hello pretty girlsinterested to know more about make-up techniques?join us now for this make-up coursedo see below for more informationand let me know if you are interested! :DDetails :
Date: 29 June 2008, Sunday
Time: 3pm to 6pm
Venue: Nee Soon East CC
Cost: $20 (Usual price for this course is $28)
Attractive Goodie Bag that is worth $80! By well Known Brand Inuovi!
Lucky Draw to be won!
For further enquiries, call 6257 0446 or email me at
10:59 PM
Monday, June 23, 2008
Appeal and appeal.Where is my appeal outcome?
By now, I haven receive my outcome.
Does it mean my appeal fails? haiz......
11:37 PM
Sunday, June 22, 2008
I shall do a test tagged by jianying.
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs.
B) Tag as many friends as you can to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.
C) Continue this game by sending it to other people.
#1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
ans: I think I will wait for his explanation first and see how.
#2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
ans: of course, i will wish that all my other dreams will come true. hahas. But right now, my greatest dream is hope that my appeal will be successful.
#3. What will your dream wedding to be like?
ans: hmm, i haven really think yet.
#4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
ans: Yes. I'm still uncertain whether i make the right choice.
#5. what's your ideal lover like?
ans: Someone who loves me deeply and is romantic.
#6. What is more blessed? Loving someone or being loved by someone?both?
ans: I think what is more blessed is that when u love someone and that someone also love you =)
#7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
ans: Hmm, I think will be as long as I can ba.
#8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
ans: Of course, I would feel a bit dejected. But at the same time, I would be happy for him. Actually, as long as I continue to be his best friend, it doesn't really matter much.
#9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
ans: Of course, it have. But there will always be something that cheer me up sometimes.
#10. Is being tagged fun?
ans: yupps.
#11. How do you see yourself in 10 years time?
ans: Someone who will continue to like shopping. hahas
#12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
ans: my family and friends
#13. What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is?
ans: someone that is concern abt friends. hahas
#14. Would you rather be rich and single or married but poor?
ans: I think right now, I will rather be rich and single. It is not too bad to be single at this moment. Afterall, it is too early to be married at my age. hahas
#15. What's the first thing you do every morning?
ans: Brush my teeth and wash my face.
16. Would you give all in a relationship?
ans: That is a good question. But I really don't know. hahas
#17. If you fall in love with 2 people simultaneously, who would you pick?
ans: that will depends ba. hahas
#18. What type of friends do you like?
ans: Someone who care abt u and will be willing to help u when in need.
#19. What type of friends do you dislike?
ans: I have the same ans as jianying. If i dislike the person, he or she won't be my friend.
8:59 PM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Updates and updates!
I shall start from Saturday. I went to the pony ride cum crocodile farm that day. This time round the children are more well-behaved and the event turned out to be quite successful. Hahas. It has been quite long since I participated in this type of event and it is really very tiring after the whole trip. Oh ya, Eric’s niece is super super cutez. And there is this little gal, evonne, trying to showing me her bible. So cutez of her. After we went to the pony ride, we proceed to the crocodile farm. The crocodiles are really quite scary. When the person in charge feed the crocodiles, it is as if the crocodiles are going to fly out anytime when fighting for food. So kong bu. Lols
I went to bowl after the whole event with jiaying, hwee boon, zoelyn, weiloon, eric, xiao pang n yiwei. At first, I don’t really feel like bowling because it has been so long since I last bowl and I scare I will keep get zero all the way. Luckily, things turned out much better and I even scored a strike. Hahas. The gals and guys each form a team and we had a bet against the team to see which team score better. In the end, the gals won the bet. So happy =). waiting for the treat of drink. Hahas
Feeding the pony
eric cute little niece
she is scared of me. hahas
the group photo

As for
Sunday, I went to tuition for my tuitee and then I went to Chongpang while on the way back to find the canvas shoes I want. But sad to say, the shop does not sell the shoes I want. So sianz. I walked all the way from Yishun Mrt to Chongpang. A wasted trip. After that, I went to IT fair to get my thumbdrive. There seem to have 1000 and 1 people. Everyone is trying to get a good price for the IT gadgets. Finally, after much squeezing, I found the booth and I bought my thumbdrive. It is really super tiring and the place is definitely not suitable for window- shopping. I went home straight after that. It is amazing that I go so many places in one day. Hahas. I was super tired after I went home. But there is sumptuous meal for me to indulge in. My mother cooked 6 dishes despite only 3 people eating. So shuang. I simply love Sunday.
Monday---Boardgame showdown 2
I went to play boardgame as part of the ACTS orientation. I get to know a new friend from my team at the start. Wonder if there is still any new team-mate coming in? Our team seems quite small. Maybe it is because there is only 6 people showing up yesterday. Anyway, the boardgame was quite fun although our team lost the 2 games and didn’t manage to get into finals. But this only means that we got more free time to play other boardgames. Yay. I had a lot of fun playing ‘ugly ugly’ although the game is a bit too violent. The ‘Apples for Apples’ is also quite crap. We played until 11 and headed back home. I was laughing with Munyeng throughout the journey from yck to Yishun just because of a simple joke. Lols. On the way back, I get to know a guy that is from Nigeria. I get to know another new friend and he live quite near me. Next time he shall be my hui jia mate. Lols (joking)
10:59 PM
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
looking back. how i wish i could go back to the past
how I wish I could go back to the past. To the happy monents shared by us. I'm still missing it.
Back then, everything is much simpler and there are lesser things to worry about. Every night, it is just a normal chit-chat sessionn for us....
Though, life now is more carefree, it also means that it is more boring. My life seem without colours. Everyday, I'm just doing the same things. I know that I have to make my decision fast.
But, I'm just trying to drag it as the day goes by. I'm just waiting for miracle to happen and I know very well that it is unlikely to occur. I hate making the decision that will make me regret in the future. Up to now, I'm still don't know is it the right choice for me. Am I making a right decision now? Perhaps, if I'm able to go back to the past, things might be different. However, this will not ever happen. I will just have to hope that the miracle that I hoping now will happen.....
hope my appeal will be successful
Lurv3 ,
12:13 AM
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
yaY. my inTernet is finally bAck!. hahas. I can start blogging again. lols
suddenly, after i regain my internet, I feel that I lose touch of msn. It seem like so long I nv use my msn. hahas
Juz a small update: I'm now working in Prada S'pore as receptionist. tHe job is quite boring. there is not much things to do except to ans phone calls and there is even no com at my table. omg !It is amazing that I can survive for about 2 1/2 weeks. Still gt 1.5 weeks to go. jiayou.
2dae, I n my YEC gang celebrated zoelyn's birthday. Happy birthday!, my friend. hahas
aNyway, just saw a photo of my friend. He is falling in love again with his gf. so sweet of them. I wondered when will it be my turn to fall in love. lols
11:57 PM
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Internet down! argh. this means no internet for me.
life is so boRing without internEt.
no mSn-ing, no facebook, no playing of games and a lot more.....
i cAn only rOt at hOMe. siAnz
hop3 that my internet will recovered soon.
2:42 PM