Monday, July 28, 2008
I have settled most of the things already.
Just let fate decide my fate.
If I'm pre-destined to go there, it will be it.
Anyway, still gt a little regrets.
If i choose it in the first place, I can enjoy all the orientation camp and get to know more people.
But I think it is always to have a small regret rather than a big regret.
I noe that if fails, at least I gt try.So, won't really regret much.
9:59 PM
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I'm tired of thinking n making decisions.
Should I try?
Is it the correct choice I'm making?
tt are the questions I'm thinking for the past 2 months. Up till now, I still haven't figure out the answer. I just hate making decisions that will make me regret.
Actually come to think of it, y should I make decision just beacuse of others say so. Afterall, I'm the one studying n not them. That's what my friend say to me and I feel that it is quite true. Does the uni u choose really make a diff to the jobs that u will get? I definitely dun think so.
But now, it seems too late to turn back. Having commit so much time and doing so many things. I just need some time to think it over again.
Now, I have to live with the choice that I make wrongly. I just hope that I can pause or reverse back the time.
I'm sleeping more these few days . Don't really have any mood to exercise or do what I normally like to do. Shopping also fails to divert my attention away from these things. I just feel that I'm trying to run away from the fact rather than face it. By sleeping more, I gt less time to think of this issue.
10:44 PM
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Sports Camp$BlogItemTitle$>
I'm back from SPORTS CAMP. hahas. The camp is super tiring but quite fun. Never in my life, I do so many sports at one go. lols. It all started with amazing race on day 1. My group, Sun Wu Kong, went run Singapore to play all kinds of sports. Our first stop is the rock-climbing at SMU admin building. Normally when I do rock-climbing, I could only climb 1/2 way. But this time round, I managed to climb to the top. YAY!. After that, we headed to the other stations. In between the stations, we hitched a lot of rides from uncles thanks to vanessa n crystal. hahas
Finally, after all the stations, we arrived at east coast park as our last station. We came in third n won a $100 fish & Co voucher. We had BBQ food for our dinner.
Day 2 I woke up at around 7 in the morning. It was super cold in the morning and I'm shivering. My group quickly went to brush teeth and headed to the concourse for our breakfast. After that, we went to kallang to play all the other sports. It was so hot in the morning. We played handball, frisbee, floorball, volleyball n martial arts. In between the games, we played a lot of group games like big fish small fish, 007, 7-up etc. Some of my groupmates gt forfeit. Heng, I nv got it. Finally, after all the games, we had the final challenge and my section came in second. Not bad. Then, we headed back to school to bathe. After bathing, all of us gathered at ice cold beer for a chill session. Dinner was quite good as we had buffet. The potatoes salad was yummy. Soon, it was the start of all the drinking games. I drank quite a lot of beer thanks to all the forfeits I gt. But luckily, I was not drunk. Smu students really like to drink a lot n some even drink until they need someone to bring them back to their room. Futhermore, they turned one of the seminar room(3-3 at accountancy sch) to one of the clubbing place. So pro of them. My night ended with HTHT with my groupmates.
Day 3I woke up at around 9am. First time for camp could woke up so late. So shuang.
We started the station games at around 10.30am. There are about 5 stations. Out of the 5 stations, there is one station which is quite fun. One is the mummy game. The game goes like this: One of our groupmates will be wrapped up as mummy and the person is supposed to stand in the box. The other groupmates act as defenders and attackers. The objective of the game is to keep the mummy as dry as possible. The defenders will try to protect the mummy from the water that was thrown by the attackers of the other group. In the end, all of us were drenched. Nevertheless, we won the game and we started pouring each other with water. Some even shake the gasy drink and started spraying each other. After the end of the water fight, I smelled like cherrie due to the cherrie drink sprayed on me. yucks. hahas. There is another game which is also quite disgusting. The game goes like this: we are supposed to pass a card to another person using mouth and there is alternate of girls and guys. The card we suppose to pass is abt 1/8 of a poker card. OMG, it is so small. Somemore, we muz pass it as quickly as possible. Yucks. lols
Anyway after the station games, we assemble at the sports hall for the closure of the camp.
Home sweet Home after that.
7:47 PM
Friday, July 4, 2008
I'm starting to get tired after being jobless for 1 week. I went out almost everyday. Below is just a short summary of my prog in the week after the ACTS calibre camp (27 june-29 june).
mon- medical checkuptue- NTu trip+ shoppingwed- bowling+ kboxingthur- QET + smu tour with my OG + boardgames at mind cafefri- shopping sat- photography course + tuitionsun- facial n maybe shopping with my sisterAlthough I have been going out for the past few days in this week, I'm getting tired of going out everyday. No doubt there is fun. But it is high expenses and too tiring. Will I be able to sustain this lifestyle till aug ? I wonder. hahas. Oh ya, I went shopping with munyeng at zara 2dae. I saw a pink checkered jacket which i fell deeply in love with. LOLS. But sad to say, it dun ve M size. I planning to go marina square to source for it. hahas. Shopping is really a good therapy. It makes me 4get all the worries at the moment. Next time when I'm happy or sad, i shall go shopping. hahas. So many days have passed already, how come I still haven get a response yet. Does it mean that I have no chance already? So many ppl have receive thier response and I have not even receive it. If only time can stop, I will not have so many fan nao. If we can reverse it back to jc1, it is even better. I can continue to stay in my honeymoon period n savour the memories I share with friends, tan chi......If only it will be tt way....
11:18 PM
Thursday, July 3, 2008
This is what I draw during work. I'm just too bored
10:03 PM
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
ACTS calibre camp$BlogItemTitle$>
I'm back from ACTS calibre camp. The camp was quite fun but it was super slack cuz there was a lot of free time for us. The hostel in ntu was quite cui or maybe not the hostel but the hall i staying in. The food there also not very nice. I almost eating the same everyday. I learned a lot of new games like mm zi zi, werewolf, category camp n lots of cheers. Here is some photos:
the photo was taken in hall 8 lounge. It is quite a nice place

I'm looking at the camera

the jumping scene after the frisbee game

the house we built for shuyi. hahas

we lare having picnic. lols

the picture is slanted to one side

taken after the water game
9:04 PM